Submission Guidelines

The Nursing Mom's News is accepting submissions of poetry, articles, essays, product reviews, quotes, artwork, and nursing humor. The subject needs to be breastfeeding, of course, with a positive, honest, real-life slant.
All submissions must be original work. The author retains all rights, and grants permission for the piece to be used in a future issue of The Nursing Mom's News, and to be placed in an archive of past issues. The Nursing Mom's News is a non-paying market.

All submissions are due by the 25th of each month. Each issue goes out on the first of every month.

Articles: A nonfictional literary composition that forms an independent part of a publication, as of a newspaper or magazine.
Essays: A short literary composition on a single subject, usually presenting the personal view of the author.

Articles: between 300 and 1000 words. Occasionally, the NMN will accept longer submissions, but we prefer articles to be no more than 1000 words.

Essays: between 300 and 1000 words. Occasionally, the NMN will accept longer submissions, but we prefer essays to be no more than 1000 words.

Poetry: up to 300 words. Any format is acceptable.

Nursing snacks: between 150 and 400 words. A Nursing Snack is a short piece, often humorous. Just little bits of real life as a breastfeeding mother.

Quotes: Quotes can be any length. Kids often say things that are profound, hilarious, silly, and endearing. The NMN loves to read the things children say about breastfeeding. We prefer quotes from children, but will consider quotes from other sources, as long as they are related to breastfeeding in a positive way, and you have permission to share the quote.

Product reviews: between 300 and 800 words. The NMN is very interested in reading your well-written review of any product you've used related to breastfeeding. This includes reviews of books, bras, breast pads, places of business, pumps, websites, magazines, nursing clothing, and anything related to breastfeeding a child in any way. You must review something you yourself actually used or read, and you must provide source information about your product.

The NMN will also accept original artwork and photography. Images cannot be included in the ezine itself, because it is sent out in plain text. Instead, a link leading to the image stored on this server will be included in the ezine. All artwork and photography must be original, created by you, and must portray breastfeeding an infant, baby, or child. Tandem nursing artwork and photography is also accepted, and encouraged. No sexual content will be accepted, in any way. All artwork and photography must be tasteful. Please query before sending the artwork or photograph, and include a description of the piece, the exact size, resolution, format, and dimensions. All unsolicited attachments will be deleted. All artwork and photography must be in .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .mix format.

NMN is a non paying market. You are compensated with a short bio (around 50 words), that may include a website link or two, and contact info if you'd like.

Send all submissions and queries in the body of an email to Sarah Gaunt, editor of The Nursing Mom's News.